

Our various fundraisers account for approximately 20% of our total revenues.  The most consistent source of funds is from the sale of our world-famous potholders.  Not only are the potholders available from local businesses and our rescue shelter, they are also sold at our fundraiser events. 

Every year, we hold a dining event at a participating local restaurant, where a portion of the meals served is donated to PFOA.  Our major spring fundraiser, Catnip and Sip, has been enthusiastically supported by the community. 

We also participate in many local events on the Olympic Peninsula.  Our bright green and white striped tent is easy to spot among the many vendor booths at these events.  We also encourage people who wish to support us by conducting their own fundraising activities.

Click on the photos below to see more information about our fundraising activities.  You can also click here to see our events calendar for the current year.  Remember, it’s for the kitties!

Purchase our potholders See us at Lavender Festival Attend our fundraising events Create your own fundraiser